It is excellent when people speak and write brilliantly, and even not brilliantly about growth, betterment, self-awareness, self-improvement, etc.  There is a value to reading and listening to their stuff.  Ahh, the question becomes, “What are their actions?”

Hello rubber, meet the road.  I will preface the following with the words ‘the line is always moving,’ but also with the thought, ‘so what you should be too.’  Ask yourself today, when is it enough?  This is a judgement only you can make on your own life.  It is yours after all so live it at whatever level you desire.  My cautionary advice to you is this…

Are you living what  you are speaking/writing?  Would someone who doesn’t know you read your stuff, or listen to you, ask you to mentor them and then be…1) deeply grateful and gratified, or 2) horrified and/or deeply disappointed?  Dear overachiever(s), this applies to you as well.