We no longer live in a static market.  So it is wise to not operate as if we do.  This truth is amplified when it comes to sales and marketing. 

While in the past it was possible to do the same thing over and over and expect the same results, this is no longer the case.  Again, because the market is no longer static.  Past generalized sales and marketing plans are no longer relevant.  Markets must be identified and targeted appropriately, providing the solutions that best fit them. 

The best fit varies, company to company, region to region, or rural vs. urban, etc.  Just as market needs have changed, and subsequently presentations, sales approaches must be amended as well.  If you are operating in the world a past Columbia University study described as spending approximately 90 minutes actively selling, you are no doubt no longer seeing the results you use to see.

In addition if you are still selling though persuasion.closing, again, you are no longer seeing the sales you use to see and certainly are not seeing sales that you COULD see.  Sales and marketing have changed.  Embrace it or see yourself phased out over time. 

Embrace it fully.  Market evaluation, presentation and personalization are here to stay.  If you aren’t selling with an educational style or consulting style, you are not succeeding at the scale you could.  Persuasive style selling is about you.  That style is gone for good (or should be.)  Selling by providing a customer a solution, through educating them and/or consulting with them  is about the customer.  That style is here for good.

Customers are buying more than just a product.  They are buying into a relationship with you and a total experience.  Make it one they want to invest in!   And remember, above all, sales is no longer the moment when the customer says ‘yes’, that is merely the beginning.  Like Harvey MacKay said, ” The sale begins when the customer says yes.”