I while back a British researcher through various calculations determined the January 24 is the worst day of the year for people.  Apparently this is based on the combined factors of debt, weather, etc.  The following is a past post about it, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6847012/ns/world_news/ . 

In addition to the 24th being the alleged worst day of the year, add-on to that Monday is the day of the week that brings the highest blood pressure readings and most heart attacks.  In 2011 January 24th is on a Monday.

The good news is apparently you are not alone if you have Sunday afternoon/evening dread of Monday.  The bad news is, if so many of us experience the stress and medically are impaired by it, why has no one addressed it?

Well apparently you best not wait around for someone else to come up with a solution and hand it to you.  Create your own happy Monday tonic.  Perhaps workout Sunday to get those endorphins pumping.  Plan a lunch with a friend on Mondays. Plan something nice/kind for yourself Monday morning.  Read, listen to music, plan anything you know puts you in a positive place short-term.  And then, and most importantly start thinking about long-term changes that eliminate any source of your Monday blues.

Life is too short to not enjoy every day of it.  Including Monday!